Homemade semi-buckwheat bread

Doesn't a warm loaf of freshly baked bread sound so right on these cold winter days? I never imagined how easy it would be to make your own bread until trying out this super simple no-knead bread recipe. Seriously. I guess European life has converted me into a gluten-monster. Bread and everything dough (apart from … Continue reading Homemade semi-buckwheat bread

Slow-cooked Chashu Pork Bao and the summer solstice

Today officially kick starts summer on this side of the world, and as you can see, everyone's creeping out of hibernation or simply waking up from all the daily haze. There are these little things called distractions which disguise themselves as meaningful preoccupations, and I have to admit that I have fallen prey to these … Continue reading Slow-cooked Chashu Pork Bao and the summer solstice

Banana Hazelnut Bread (a half and a half)

Happy easter, everyone! Easter break is a great time to catch up with your favorite people, do a bit of spring cleaning and try out old and new kitchen experiments. This baking experiment is a crossbreed between traditional baking and my mini attempt to use healthier options for pastries and breads. Normally, we prefer to … Continue reading Banana Hazelnut Bread (a half and a half)