Chocolate Hazelnut Cookies

It could be the chilly season or the fact that we've been watching too many baking and patissier shows, but the oven has taken the center-stage in our little kitchen chez nous lately. This time, we got cookies popping out of the oven. I have a sweet tooth, and as much as I would like … Continue reading Chocolate Hazelnut Cookies

Slow-cooked Chashu Pork Bao and the summer solstice

Today officially kick starts summer on this side of the world, and as you can see, everyone's creeping out of hibernation or simply waking up from all the daily haze. There are these little things called distractions which disguise themselves as meaningful preoccupations, and I have to admit that I have fallen prey to these … Continue reading Slow-cooked Chashu Pork Bao and the summer solstice

Spiced up like a chili con carne

Wow! It's almost the end of 2015. I can't believe how fast the days are passing. I mean seriously, didn't we just got back from the summer holidays?! I always have a tough time catching up from summer break and regrouping to real-life pace. I take my sweet time to peel out the past season … Continue reading Spiced up like a chili con carne

Cajun tofu tacos

A lot of people are typically not excited about tofu. And I get it. It's a very neutral ingredient. It doesn't impose any strong taste or texture to a dish. It's fragile and gentle. Too gentle, maybe. For me though, those are exactly the same reasons why I love tofu. It's sort of a blank … Continue reading Cajun tofu tacos