Chocolate Hazelnut Cookies

It could be the chilly season or the fact that we've been watching too many baking and patissier shows, but the oven has taken the center-stage in our little kitchen chez nous lately. This time, we got cookies popping out of the oven. I have a sweet tooth, and as much as I would like … Continue reading Chocolate Hazelnut Cookies

Homemade semi-buckwheat bread

Doesn't a warm loaf of freshly baked bread sound so right on these cold winter days? I never imagined how easy it would be to make your own bread until trying out this super simple no-knead bread recipe. Seriously. I guess European life has converted me into a gluten-monster. Bread and everything dough (apart from … Continue reading Homemade semi-buckwheat bread

Sinigang Phở

Let me tell you about rainy days. In the middle of the scorching summer heat, it is a pleasant and an immensely welcomed treat to have light cooling rain-showers paired with a refreshing breeze. This kind of day smells and feels like home to me (aaah, the tropical monsoon), hence comes a craving for comfort … Continue reading Sinigang Phở

Slow-cooked Chashu Pork Bao and the summer solstice

Today officially kick starts summer on this side of the world, and as you can see, everyone's creeping out of hibernation or simply waking up from all the daily haze. There are these little things called distractions which disguise themselves as meaningful preoccupations, and I have to admit that I have fallen prey to these … Continue reading Slow-cooked Chashu Pork Bao and the summer solstice

Scallops + Shiitake and a Chou-rave, radish, cucumber salad

Seafood is something I wish I can have everyday. Meat is love and all, but I just realized I've been having a love affair with seafood and fish all my life without even knowing it. My grandfather was a fisherman, and my dad has always been a fisherman's son (Read: we had to have fish … Continue reading Scallops + Shiitake and a Chou-rave, radish, cucumber salad